Ultrasonic Testing question and answer

This is an ultrasonic testing question and answer blog which will help you to give interviews and increase your NDT knowledge,
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Ultrasonic Testing Question and Answer

Ultrasonic Testing Question and Answer

What is ultrasonic testing?

It is an NDT method in which sound is sent in the form of mechanical vibrations in metals and some non-metals,
In this method, ultrasonic sound waves are used whose frequency is more than 20,000 Hz and humans cannot hear these ultrasonic sound waves with their ears,
In this method sound waves are sent into the material with the help of a transducer, If there is any obstacle in the material while traveling that sound waves then the ultrasonic machine shows the sound waves as a signal and the NDT inspector analyzes them,

Why is ultrasonic testing done?

This method is used to find the surface, subsurface, and internal discontinuities of material, etc.

Where is ultrasonic testing used?

This method is used on processed materials, finished components, in-service inspection on parts, assemblies, metals, plastics, composites, and ceramics, etc.

What is the principle of UT?

The principle of UT is the reflection of ultrasound at the interface, which means that the reflection of the ultrasound wave due to whatever interface we see in the machine is called the principle of UT, this method works on the principle,,
Note: Principal of UT is also known by various definitions in technical languages, such as –
The piezoelectric effect is also called the principal of UT, as a sound wave changes from one medium to another,
Mechanical vibration is also called the principle of the ultrasonic test,
What is the piezoelectric effect in ultrasonic testing?
In this, with the help of a transducer unit, an ultrasound wave in the material sends electrical energy into mechanical vibration and is received back into electrical energy by mechanical vibration, this process is called the piezoelectric effect,

How does the piezoelectric effect work in ultrasonic testing?

The piezoelectric effect is performed by a transducer, in this with the help of a transducer unit the sound wave is made to travel from electrical energy to a material in the form of mechanical vibration by a flaw detector ut machine and mechanical vibration sound wave back with the help of a transducer unit is obtained in electrical energy,
This reflection of the sound wave travel is reflected back to the flaw detector UT machine,
After that ut inspector detects discontinuities in the object as per sound travel time, frequency, transducer type, material thickness, DAC, acceptance criteria, etc.,

How is ultrasonic testing done?

There are many different methods in the Automated Ultrasonic Backscatter Technique. Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing. Long Range Ultrasonic Testing. Internal Rotating Inspection Systems. Time of Flight Diffraction. Dry-Coupled Ultrasonic Testing. There are methods like Rapid Ultrasonic Gridding (RUG), etc.
Final Word:
For Non destructive testing and Destructive testing related information, you can get new updates by subscribing to the blog, more info visits Wikipedia for ultrasonic testing.


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