destructive testing methods

The name of this method is destructive testing, which means a method of breaking, in which any material, component is broken down to find out its properties, defects, etc.

What is Destructive Testing?

It is the method in which the exact failure point, hardness, strength, capacity is ascertained in any material, components, etc., the material cannot be reused after doing this method,

destructive testingThis method is done when a large quantity has to be produced and the destructive test methods are done on the raw material used to make that product.
From this, the hardness, strength, chemical composition, capacity, composition, failure point, etc. of the raw material of the product are ascertained.
DT method is mostly done on some part of raw material and material, components, etc., before a product comes into service, to find out its exact failure point, weak point and final capacity, etc.,
It’s used to prevent any kind of accident in the future service of that product, By this method, the life of a product can be estimated, how long it will serve, and after that its failure point is reached.
This method is done by internal and external testing services, usually, DT methods are done by,

  • specialized researchers,
  • technicians,
  • quality control analyst,
  • chemistry an electrochemical process expert,
  • failure analysis expert,
  • material scientist,
  • metallurgical and polymer engineer,
  • regulatory compliance expert etc.

know more about NDT and the Destructive methods in one Kindle Ebook.

types of destructive testing

This includes Tensile testing, 3 point bend testing, Macro sectioning, Hardness testing (HT), Torsion testing, Stress testing, Aggressive environment testing, Residual stress measurement, fatigue testing, creep testing, chemical testing, etc. The types of DT methods come,
Read also: What is Nondestructive Testing
In destructive testing methods, the codes, standards, etc. related to destructive inspection are followed,

destructive testing of materials

Often you must have seen the welder welding the test piece, that welded test piece is sent to the lab, where it is done with destructive weld testing and non-destructive inspection method,
destructive and non destructive testing methods are used on welded test pieces in accordance with procedures, ASTM, ASME, codes, standards of the company’s manufacturing products, customer requirements, etc.
In this, the first non-destructive test method is performed on the welded test piece when required because after performing the non-destructive test method, other processes and destructive inspection can be easily performed on the welded test piece,
But after using the destructive weld testing methods, the non-destructive test method cannot be performed on the welded test piece, because it involves damaging the property of the welded test piece by damaging it,
If you want to know about the weld area in the welded test piece, we will do destructive weld testing on the weld, and if you want to know about plate property, and then do destructive inspection accordingly.
It is determined by the product, code, and standard whether this method is to be performed on weld or plate after the destructive method is performed,
a report is made containing information on the material, properties of the components, etc., in which destructive weld testing has been used.
This article is written for the purpose of basic information on destructive testing, you can subscribe to our blog and read new post updates.
know more about NDT, Destructive Methods, and materials inspection methods in a Kindle Ebook.


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